Thursday, February 8, 2007

a target hit

i HAD to go to target today.
*my son's orchestra concert is tonight and i had to buy a white oxford.
*i was already there and i remembered i should probably get a gym bag now that i have been going to the gym regularly. i always stroll by the end aisles to see what they have popped into clearance. i found a small fabric reebok gym bag with argyle print on it for $4.50.
* I also got a lock for the locker because i end up leaving my i-pod (usually not mine but my husband's because he has a spouse who was loving enough to buy him an IPOD for xmas. i have my 2 1/2 year old mini whose battery lasts about 35 minutes on full charge) in my gym bag while i shower.
* i also remembered my sister and brother in law are coming in town to visit this weekend and thus we should probably try to get some of the toys off the floor so that one can walk across the living room floor. so, i bought a bookcase and just had to haul it into the house and now must assemble it. (how old will i be when i buy furniture i don't have to assemble?)
*i got some foam stickers for my 3 year old twins and some markers. i know in my heart of hearts they need markers like a hole in the head but they love them so.

what i didn't buy but wanted to:
* a REAL pair of headphones. i hate those damn earbuds. they hurt and they suck. i just want a pair of headphones.
* a pizza stone. for some reason i have felt a solid and growing urge to own a pizza stone. somebody said that they make frozen pizzas taste good. i don't remember who said this but i know i have heard it said.

Must now assemble my bookcase before i have to go pick up the twins from their grandfather's house. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't have a pizza stone-hmmmmm.... I DO however have a great pizza dough recipe that's seriously easy.